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Daily Habit Hacks

Daily Habit Hacks

According to researchers at Duke University, your habits account for approximately 40 percent of your behaviors on any given day. In essence, your life is nothing more than......

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Fun With Tobogganing

Fun With Tobogganing

The complete guide to learn all about tobogganing! Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Togogganing! Have you ever tried tobogganing? Well if ......

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Organic Gardening Tips

Organic Gardening Tips

Are You Willing To Learn About Organics gardening And make Your Life Better Today? Proven Tips, Tools and Tactics ToStarrt Your Own Organic Garden! Over the last few years, ho......

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Fun Craft Projects

Fun Craft Projects

If you're like me, you have hundreds of photographs sitting in envelopes, pictures from birthday parties, weddings, family gatherings, anniversaries, the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Getting Introduced To Oil Painting

Getting Introduced To Oil Painting

Oil Painting is a fairly new form of art. It is the process of painting with the use of pigments that are bound together with a medium of drying oil, particularly in early modern Europe, the linseed oil. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Gifts Baskets Home Business

Gifts Baskets Home Business

The talk around the home business water cooler is that the gift basket industry is THE booming home business and will gross more than $3 billion in sales as more independent business-minded individuals discover this fun and in-demand business....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Guide To RC Hobbies

Guide To RC Hobbies

Activities For Radio Hobbyists Amateur radio or ham is largely a hobby activity. The majority of the hobby time is spent on making contact and having conversations with people in distant regions and from different cultures. Two way communications, identifying their location and station, zone, region and place is the usual custom. This is always followed by other casual communications....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Guide To Your Own Aquarium

Guide To Your Own Aquarium

All about Care for an Acrylic Aquarium Kit The practice of keeping aquariums came about in the late 1800's. They were fairly crude. Usually these ancient aquariums only had one side that was made of glass, with the other three sides being made of metal or wood. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Halloween Artistry

Halloween Artistry

Many people think that Halloween is a “devil worshipping” holiday celebrated by people who don’t believe in God, but the truth is that Halloween really has its basic origins in the Catholic Church. Halloween means “All Saints Eve” or “All Hallows Eve”. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Halloween Crafts Made Easy

Halloween Crafts Made Easy

Everyone has their favorite holiday – and for many people Halloween is absolutely IT! They love decorating their yards with ghoulish recreations of graveyards and haunted houses. Pumpkin carving is an art form. Costumes are planned years in advance....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Halloween Creative New Ideas And Tricks

Halloween Creative New Ideas And Tricks

Halloween is one of the most awaited and celebrated holiday for the Christians and it comes just second in popularity to Christmas. ...

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Hobby Blogging Profits

Hobby Blogging Profits

I'm a huge fan of blogging anyway - but do you know one of the best things about starting a blog based around one of your hobbies? You already know lots about it and as such you'll be able to create great content easily......

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Hold em Poker For Advanced Players By Sklansky and Malmuth

Hold em Poker For Advanced Players By Sklansky and Malmuth

Texas hold 'em is hard. There is probably no other form of poker as difficult. Yet, the game appears deceptively simple. Many players, even after much experience at the poker tables, still play as though any two cards can win. Of course, those who play in this fashion quickly lose their money. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
How To Become A Professional Pencil Drawing Artist

How To Become A Professional Pencil Drawing Artist

Drawing with a pencil seems to be really easy, but when a person gets into the depth of pencil drawing one comes to know that it is not that easy as it sounds. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
How To Build A Telescope

How To Build A Telescope

The first telescope will give you a good feel for lens aberrations (fig. 3). In this simple instrument, chromatic aberration is the most conspicuous. The aberrations can be greatly reduced by means of careful lens design. As it is not possible to limit all kinds of aberrations using only a single lens, objectives and eyepieces are created using multiple lenses. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
How To Buy a Winning RC Car

How To Buy a Winning RC Car

Remote controlled car racing is a sport that has enjoyed popularity among car model enthusiasts of all ages for several decades, attracting both young and old. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
How To Create Great Gift Baskets

How To Create Great Gift Baskets

If you are serious about gifting, gift-giving, with quality food-baskets, standard, low-end, even upscale and gourmet food gift baskets, you need to take some time and consider, stop and analyze: ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
How to Crochet

How to Crochet

Crocheting is one of the oldest needlework arts. Its name is derived from the French word "croche" meaning a hook. Even a novice can crochet intricate laces and designs for tablecloths, doilies, scarves and other household furnishings, as well as various fashion items....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
How To Make Your Own Perfume

How To Make Your Own Perfume

Why is it that women love perfume as much as men love cars? There are some researchers who believe that a woman’s reason for loving perfume is because of the pheromones their bodies produce. Often, certain scents or perfumes trigger the increase of how much pheromone a woman’s body will produce. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
How To Make Your Own Spooky Halloween Crafts

How To Make Your Own Spooky Halloween Crafts

Many people think that Halloween is a “devil worshipping” holiday celebrated by people who don’t believe in God, but the truth is that Halloween really has its basic origins in the Catholic Church. Halloween means “All Saints Eve” or “All Hallows Eve”....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
How To Sell Clothes

How To Sell Clothes

Reasons Why People Buy Clothes People have many different reasons why they buy products. It's your job to figure out what reason(s) will persuade them to buy. The reasons are usually based on emotions they want to experience rather than logical reasons....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
How To Sell Cosmetics

How To Sell Cosmetics

Reasons Why People Buy Cosmetics People have many different reasons why they buy products. It's your job to figure out what reason(s) will persuade them to buy. The reasons are usually based on emotions they want to experience rather than logical reasons. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
How To Sell Jewelry

How To Sell Jewelry

Reasons Why People Buy Jewelry People have many different reasons why they buy products. It's your job to figure out what reason(s) will persuade them to buy. The reasons are usually based on emotions they want to experience rather than logical reasons....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Latest Fashion Fads

Latest Fashion Fads

Fashion fad is increasingly becoming popular in the fashion industry. Yes, fads come and go, but the essence of these fashion fads shall remain. Over the years, people have been strongly attached to the things that they are interested in and love to look a certain way...

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Learn to Knit

Learn to Knit

Find a comfortable chair in good light. Read through the steps before you start. As with any new skill, learning to knit requires equal measures of patience and perseverance. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Make Money From Hobbies

Make Money From Hobbies

What if you could find a way to enjoy your hobby and make a little money? Making money from hobbies is a time-honored tradition for all hobbyists. Some hobbyists earn enough to pay for their hobby, others earn enough to offset the expenditure incurred by the hobby, and yet others earn enough to quit their regular job. It’s up to you how much you want to make. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Merry Marionettes

Merry Marionettes

I’m sure that you’ll find helpful tips, techniques and information throughout this manual, to help you maximize your profits from the sales of your own items that you create. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Crochet Work Bag

Crochet Work Bag

CHAIN 12, join in ring. lst row. Ch 4, 23 d in ring, join with sl st. 2d row. Ch 11, skip 1 d, 1 t (thread over hook twice), draw thread through the first d of ring, thread over hook, draw through 2 loops, 1 thread over hook once, skip one d on ring, put hook through the next st, thread over hook, draw through loop, thread over hook...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Perfumes Understanding, Buying And Making Perfumes

Perfumes Understanding, Buying And Making Perfumes

People who often go to the department store will surely notice the various perfumes sold on the display shelf. It is not rocket science that enables various companies to do it. This simply requires the proper training and tools on hand to make this happen. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Model Trains Collecting

Model Trains Collecting

Collecting special and interesting items is one of the most attractive, appealing and popular hobbies worldwide. Globally, many collectors are keeping their own special sets of collections that vary from books, to comics, coins, t-shirts and whatever else could be collected, displayed and sold as novelty items over time. Collecting model trains is one of those recreational activities that has been enjoying huge popularity in the past decades....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Newbies Guide To Online Hobby Profits

Newbies Guide To Online Hobby Profits

One of the advantages to blogging about your favourite hobby is that you already have the “passion” and will easily be able to create great content on a regular basis....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Quilting Revealed 101 2nd Edition

Quilting Revealed 101 2nd Edition

Quilting is as old as the hills, and for many, has that wonderful combination of domestic necessity, social cohesion, and craftwork and commemoration. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Radio Controlled Car Guide

Radio Controlled Car Guide

The Radio Control car hobby can be great fun. You get the feel of driving a car or truck like you could never drive your real car. Beginners usually begin with an electric RC truck or car and they love being totally in control of a fully functional scale model that is just waiting for your next command. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Rainy Day Activities For Kids

Rainy Day Activities For Kids

The kids are home and it‟s raining. You know what comes next, right? “I‟m bored!!!” “There‟s nothing to do!” “Moooooooom!!!”...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
RC Hobby Enthusiasts

RC Hobby Enthusiasts

Remote controlled hobbies have a little something for everyone. Whatever kind of model you decide to build, you are going to have a good time controlling it, and taking pride in building it yourself. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Simplistic Creativity Concepts

Simplistic Creativity Concepts

Brainstorming. When confronted with a challenge, solutions may seem hard to come by. Let yourself see that this isn‘t truly the case by writing your issue at the top of a piece of paper and then coming up with thirty ways to solve it....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Spinning and Weaving

Spinning and Weaving

Before you rush out to buy supplies, it can be helpful to ask yourself what you want to accomplish from learning how to do spinning and weaving at home. Even if you are a beginner, you should not allow this to deter you from making big plans! ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Scrapbooking Made Easy

Scrapbooking Made Easy

Creating your first scrapbook can seem very overwhelming; however, with these helpful tips it can become a very rewarding experience. When you decide to start on your scrapbook you will have to ask yourself a few questions. ...

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Scrapbooking Pro

Scrapbooking Pro

Do you remember those days as a kid pasting newspaper clippings onto paper and bundling dozens of papers together with some fancy ribbon or a string? Do you also remember all of your hard work falling apart two months later? ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Stamp Collecting As Pastime Vol 1

Stamp Collecting As Pastime Vol 1

According to the authorities, the central idea of a pastime is “that it is so positively agreeable that it lets time slip by unnoticed; as, to turn work into pastime.” And recreation is described as “that sort of play or agreeable occupation which refreshes the tired person, making him as good as new.”...

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Telescopes Mystery

Telescopes Mystery

The history of the telescope dates back to the early 1600’s when an Italian mathematician named Galileo Galilei peered through an odd new device he had invented to look at the stars in the night sky. Suddenly, this well known and familiar place revealed itself as a barely exposed mystery. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
The Art of Making Perfume

The Art of Making Perfume

You’ve been hearing all about making perfume and how much fun it is and are all hyped about making it yourself. You’ve read the directions and all you have to do is buy the main supplies, particularly the essential oils, which is what gives your perfume its fragrance. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
The Art of Manufacturing Soaps & Candles

The Art of Manufacturing Soaps & Candles

The art of manufacturing soap has been, in a measure, known and followed for many ages, proving a source of industry and advantage to various nations and individuals. It may therefore interest some of our readers if we attempt to trace its origin and progress as indicated by the writings of the earlier authors. ...

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The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing

The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing

THE wood finisher's ideal must necessarily be simply that of making the most of what he has to work with, producing the maximum of beauty and serviceability under the circumstances. For no two jobs are alike in all respects and he is seldom consulted in the selection of the wood before erection....

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The Right Fashion Guide

The Right Fashion Guide

Individuals, regardless of their age and gender have this strong passion and inclination to fashion these days. Fashion is defined as a popular trend pertaining to dressing behavior and style. ...

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The Secrets Behind Creativity

The Secrets Behind Creativity

Creative imagination, which lies on the far side of our logical mind and our ego, is where all genuinely new ideas derive from. When a scientist devises something the globe has never seen before, he's using creative imagination. Consider it as new clay. ...

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Trees and how to paint them

Trees and how to paint them

I DON'T know how it is, but I can't do trees" is a remark an artist frequently hears; and it is too often justified by the poor and crude attempts at tree painting that accompany it. ...

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Understanding And Mastering The Art Of Coin Collecting

Understanding And Mastering The Art Of Coin Collecting

Maybe you are a coin collector wishing to trade in some of your double coins. That is in fact the joy of such a hobby. On the other hand you could also buy or sell your coins rather than to exchange those with another connector like yourself. In such case options are a great idea to look out for....

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Understanding The Basics Of Quilting

Understanding The Basics Of Quilting

Appliqué is a quilting technique which involves applying layering one fabric above another and sewing it on. The term appliqué comes from the French word appliquer, which is a French verb meaning "to put on."...

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Unleash The Creative New You

Unleash The Creative New You

“Creativity is…seeing something that doesn’t exist already. You need to find out how you can bring it into being, and that way be a playmate with God.” - Michele Shea ...

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