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When Dreams Came True_ Classical Fairy Tales and Their Tradition

$ 9.95 $ 1.33

It has generally been assumed that fairy tales were first created for children and are largely the domain of children. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It has generally been assumed that fairy tales were first created for children and are largely the domain of children. Nothing could be further from the truth. From the very beginning, thousands of years ago, when all types of tales were told to create communal bonds in the face of inexplicable forces of nature, to the present, when fairy tales are written and told to provide hope in a world seemingly on the brink of catastrophe, mature men and women have been the creators and cultivators of the fairytale tradition. When introduced to fairy tales, children welcome them mainly because the stories nurture their great desire for change and independence. On the whole, the literary fairy tale has become an established genre within a process of Western civilization that cuts across all ages. Even though numerous critics and psychologists such as C. G. Jung and Bruno Bettelheim have mystified and misinterpreted the fairy tale because of their own spiritual quest for universal archetypes or need to save the world through therapy, both the oral and literary forms of the fairy tale have resisted the imposition of theory and manifested their enduring power by articulating relevant cultural information necessary for the formation of civilization and adaptation to the environment. Oral and literary fairy tales are grounded in history. They emanate from specific struggles to humanize bestial and barbaric forces that have When Dreams Came True

terrorized our minds and communities in concrete ways, threatening to destroy free will and human compassion. The fairy tale sets out, using various forms and information, to conquer this concrete terror through metaphors that are accessible to readers and listeners and provide hope that social and political conditions can be changed