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Organic Beauty

Organic Beauty

Organic products are those that are derived from wholly natural ingredients, and that have gone through minimal changes before reaching your face. In this book, you’ll lear......

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Attraction: Getting What You Want

Attraction: Getting What You Want

By changing the way you present yourself, the way you walk and the way you act, you can project a different image to the world. By coming across as more confident, happier, ......

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Fashion Envy

Fashion Envy

Women are directly linked with fashion. It would be right to say that the word fashion is synonyms to woman. It is something more than wearing clothing. If you are an urban b......

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Farout Fashion

Farout Fashion

A Look At The Latest Craziest Fashion Fads! Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Farout Fashion! Fashion fad is increasingly becoming popular ......

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Networking In Any Industry

Networking In Any Industry

Learn How Helping Others Benefits You And How You Can Begin Accomplishing Powerful Goals In The Process! The secrets behind Gaining Social Supremacy and Inspiring O......

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
100 Beauty Tips

100 Beauty Tips

100 Beauty Tips No more refined foods - One of the best ways to stay as beautiful as ever is to avoid eating refined or highly processed foods. Such types of foods can rub you off important nutrients that are needed by your body, and that could make your skin look dull. Aside from that, they can also get you constipated....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
100 Make Up Tips

100 Make Up Tips

. Choose your makeup well. When you buy your makeup kit, make sure to choose something that is known for its quality. This way, you can be assured that you would be able to achieve the kind of effect that you are looking for. Aside from that, you can also ensure that you won’t experience any kind of side effects on your skin with its use. ...

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$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Hair Care Tips And Information

Hair Care Tips And Information

Dandruff is detected by the itchy and flakiness of the scalp. You can always check with your dermatologist to identify the problem and for remedies that help cure it...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Healthy And Beauty Tips

Healthy And Beauty Tips

Individuals who have great looking hands are more likely to have hands that people want to hold. Perhaps your wedding is coming up....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Lip Balm Ebook

Lip Balm Ebook

Basic Fun Lip Gloss Ingredients: Paraffin wax, Coconut oil, Petroleum jelly ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
How To Create A Super Baby

How To Create A Super Baby

The moment that you have waited for has finally arrived: the day you bring your newborn baby home from the hospital. Like all other expectant parents you will have spent the last nine months preparing for this day. You will have a baby room full of everything a newborn could possibly want. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
100 Make Up Tips

100 Make Up Tips

Choose your makeup well. When you buy your makeup kit, make sure to choose something that is known for its quality. This way, you can be assured that you would be able to achieve the kind of effect that you are looking for. Aside from that, you can also ensure that you won’t experience any kind of side effects on your skin with its use. ...

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
bath beauty rec

bath beauty rec

Melt soap in small pan over low heat or in a glass cup in the microwave. Add Liquid Soap and glycerine and stir gently but well. Add fragrance, color and cinnamon....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33
Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery

More people than ever are considering the benefits and the end results of plastic surgery. With the advancements in surgery and in the way the body can be shaped, it's hard not to resist the lure of the knife and what it can do for your body....

$ 9.95 $ 1.33